World Food Day
World Food Day 2023 Important facts
History of World Food Day
The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations created World Food Day in 1979.
It was established to raise awareness of world hunger and encourage action to combat it and recalls the FAO’s foundation in 1945.
World Food Day Significance
World Food Day’s 2018 theme is “Water is life, water is food.” Take everyone with you. “Water is required for life to exist on Earth. It makes up the vast majority of the surface of the planet, more than half of our bodies, generates our food, and provides livelihoods. We must stop taking this priceless resource for granted since it is not limitless. Water quality is impacted by what we consume and how it is generated. The Food and Agriculture Organizations of the United States noted on their official website that “together, we can take water action for food and be the change. On this day, organizations band together to spread awareness about how crucial it is for everyone on the earth to have equitable access to food and water.
World Food Day 2023 Important facts
- Global food production is sufficient, yet one in nine people is chronically hungry.
- About 60% of the world’s hungry are women.
- About 70% of the world’s extremely poor live in rural regions and depend on agriculture.
- More people die from hunger than malaria, TB, and AIDS combined.
- The 45% of newborn mortality attributed to undernutrition impacts 151 million stunted children aged five.
- Over 25% of the world’s population – 1.9 billion is overweight.
- Some 672 million are obese, causing 3.4 million deaths yearly.
- Obesity kills more than murders in certain nations.
- Malnutrition costs the world economy USD 3.5 trillion yearly.
Public Relations, Pakdasht College